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Our innovative projects address unmet needs, promote vibrant communities, and preserve the natural beauty of the Adirondacks for all.

Featured News & Events

Featured news and events

Our Progress

In 2023 we accomplished all this, and more:

Families received food directly from our food security programs
Native pollinator plants added to the Adirondack landscape
Pounds of greenhouse gas emissions prevented by composting
Visitors to our Keeseville Community Arts Festival
Broadband forums hosted to connect the region

Annual or cumulative progress indicators can be found on our project pages.

What’s New

Community Arts

Celebrating Keeseville

AdkAction’s Keeseville Community Arts Festival was an incredible success this year, bringing the community together across the entire weekend to celebrate the arts and promote downtown revitalization. Here are a

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AdkAction ‘Family’ Comes Together for Annual Gathering

At the 2024 AdkAction ‘Family Reunion’ Annual Meeting on August 8th, about 100 AdkAction members, volunteers, partnering nonprofits and businesses, and new friends connected at the Paul Smith’s VIC. During the event we celebrated our shared successes, including: AdkAction’s food security effort has grown to span five counties, helping hundreds

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AdkAction in the News

We have a vision to empower people in the Adirondacks – both seasonal and year-round – to create opportunities to help neighbors and leave the Adirondack Park better than we found it. Visit our press page to see the relevance and impact of our work in the region. 

Become a Member

Members are the lifeblood of AdkAction, generating ideas, inspiration, passion, and financial support to make our  projects possible. Members pay annual fees that keep our work going, and in return, receive the pride of taking action to improve the Adirondacks for future generations. 

Make a Contribution

Support our work by making a donation to one of our projects or to our general operating budget. 
