Free, open-source community-scale composter design
This document outlines how the Compost for Good team designed and built a commercial-scale, rotating drum composter, capable of processing all of the unsorted food waste. This composter was built for approximately $15,000 in material cost. Similar-sized composters purchased on the open market range anywhere from $40,000 to $150,000. Our hope is that this document provides enough detail so that others may build their own composter, save money, keep food waste out of landfills, and generate a valuable product for use or sale. We are quite sure that further modifications can be made to reduce the material and labor costs involved in construction.
Download the design guide here.
Operating Manual
This operating manual includes general composting instruction and guidelines interspersed with specific details from experience operating our drum composter since early 2017. The manual is intended to be supplemented by in-person and phone consultation, educational videos and a site visit to an existing operational system. Contact the author if on-site training is desired. A design document, educational videos, and lesson plans are posted on our website and a list of additional resources can be found in section VIII; the user is encouraged to reference them. The design for the high flow in-vessel drum composter was born from a desire to find the most affordable and efficient way to compost mixed food waste, in a way that produces high quality soil amendments on an institutional scale.
Download the operating manual here.
NYS Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law
Effective January 1, 2022, NYS has taken a stand to make the most of our food by mandating large generators of food scraps to redirect wholesome edible food to those in need and food scraps to organics recycling facilities where they will be recycled into a product beneficial to our environment.
Who will be impacted by the law? Large generators of food scraps (more than 2 tons of wasted food and food scraps per week on average) Examples: Restaurants, grocery stores, hotels & motels, colleges & universities, malls, event centers, etc. View a complete list of Designated Food Scrap Generators that will need to comply with the donation requirements or both the donation and recycling requirements under the law.
Download the DEC factsheet here.
View DEC’s Guidance for New York State Businesses
Stay up to date on the latest information: sign up to receive NYS Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling law announcements from NYS DEC.
In January 2021, AdkAction and Compost for Good hosted an event to help municipal officials and community advocates understand the new law, and to introduce various options for composting. Representatives from NYS DEC joined us to discuss the new law as well as the Climate Smart Communities program. View a recording of the event here and view the presentation slides here.