Plow drivers from Peru, Ausable, Plattsburgh and Hague gathered recently in Peru for an AdkAction workshop to reduce road salt. Thank you to these communities and individuals for going the extra mile to keep winter roads safe and water clean.
Experts from Wit Advisors including Rob Vopleus, Matt Coffin, and Tim Fiallo, who hail from Hague and Lake George, demonstrated drop calibration tests with salt trackers on a plow truck to help other shops in our Clean Water, Safe Roads Network learn what the trackers can do for their winter road maintenance operation. By calibrating with a salt tracker, operators have an exact measurement how much salt their trucks are spreading across a lane mile, allowing them to apply salt with more precision.
The group also passed around questions, ideas, and best practices for salt reduction, particularly around the implementation of road brining, pre-wetting of salt, and reductions in sand application. The workshop brought together different shops at different steps in the salt reduction process to learn from one another and make salt reduction practical at the garage and road-level.
This project has been funded by an agreement awarded by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.