Thank you so much for supporting AdkAction this year! Would you mind answering a few questions to help us keep you informed about the impact your donation will make? 2024 Year-End Survey Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) When would you be most likely to attend an AdkAction Event like our Annual Meeting?(Required) Weekday evening Weekend morning OtherWhere would you most like to see AdkAction's 2025 Annual Meeting held?(Required) Tri-Lakes Area Champlain Valley Southern Adirondacks Old Forge Area OtherWhat methods of communication do you prefer?(Required) Email Mail Phone CallSelect AllWhat do you believe to be true about AdkAction membership?(Required)Select all that apply Making any donation to AdkAction makes me a member Volunteering for AdkAction makes me a member AdkAction memberships expire after one year I can make a monthly recurring donation for my AdkAction membership AdkAction members may vote to approve who is on the Board of Directors at each year’s Annual Meeting There are different levels of AdkAction membership I don’t feel knowledgeable about AdkAction membershipWhat, if anything, does being an AdkAction member mean to you?OptionalWould you like to share a testimonial quote about AdkAction?OptionalNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.