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Fair Food Program 1 Year Survey

1. Name(Required)
3. Participating in the Fair Food Program is convenient. Select one.(Required)
4. Participating in the Fair Food Program helps me purchase more whole, local foods I would otherwise have difficulty affording. Select one.(Required)
5. Since participating in this program, I cook or prepare more healthy and nutritious meals at home each week. Select one.(Required)
6. What, if anything, prevents you from purchasing enough local, fresh, and nutritious food? Select all that apply.(Required)
7. What would make it easier for you to consume more local, healthy food? Select all that apply.(Required)
8. Participating in the Fair Food Program helps me worry less about having enough fresh food for myself or my household. Select one.(Required)

In the next section, please tell us more about your experience with the Fair Food Program and using the Fair Food/PEX card. We appreciate your honest feedback.

10. Do you feel like the amount of money you receive on your Fair Food card every month is sufficient?(Required)
12. Since being part of this program, do you feel you have expanded your awareness of the amount and variety of food that is available locally?(Required)