Fair Food Program 1 Year Survey1. Name(Required) First Last 2. Email(Required) 3. Participating in the Fair Food Program is convenient. Select one.(Required) Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree4. Participating in the Fair Food Program helps me purchase more whole, local foods I would otherwise have difficulty affording. Select one.(Required) Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree5. Since participating in this program, I cook or prepare more healthy and nutritious meals at home each week. Select one.(Required) Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree6. What, if anything, prevents you from purchasing enough local, fresh, and nutritious food? Select all that apply.(Required) Transportation/Time: There are no markets near me; I don't have transportation; I cannot go on the date or time of local farmers markets Cost: It's too expensive. Convenience: I go to the same store out of habit; I need other items when I shop for groceries and don't want to/can't make multiple trips. Can’t use benefits: The market near me doesn’t accept SNAP or other benefits. Other7. What would make it easier for you to consume more local, healthy food? Select all that apply.(Required) More of these items provided at my food bank/food pantry/delivery meal program A community garden in my neighborhood where I can learn to grow my own food More farmers markets or farm stands that are closer to me More programs/more funding for programs like the Fair Food Program that make purchasing local foods more affordable More time to prepare/cook meals More grocery stores near where I live/work More convenience stores that sell fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy Knowing how to prepare the fresh food items Other8. Participating in the Fair Food Program helps me worry less about having enough fresh food for myself or my household. Select one.(Required) Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeIn the next section, please tell us more about your experience with the Fair Food Program and using the Fair Food/PEX card. We appreciate your honest feedback.9. Have you experienced any problems trying to use your Fair Food Card?(Required)10. Do you feel like the amount of money you receive on your Fair Food card every month is sufficient?(Required) I feel like it is a good amount I feel like it is not enough I feel like it is too much11. Which vendors (local food stores, farmers market vendors, farm stores, etc...) would you like to see accept the cards that currently don’t?12. Since being part of this program, do you feel you have expanded your awareness of the amount and variety of food that is available locally?(Required) Yes No13. What do you like least, or find most difficult, about participating in the Fair Food Program?14. What do you like most about participating in the Fair Food Program?15. Please share any additional information or recommendations to improve the Fair Food Program, or any explanation about your responses that you’d like.