Don’t Be Salty ADK
New campaign urges Adirondack visitors and residents to ‘be a part of the solution to stop road salt pollution’ At the October 3rd Adirondack Champlain Regional Salt Summit in Lake…
New campaign urges Adirondack visitors and residents to ‘be a part of the solution to stop road salt pollution’ At the October 3rd Adirondack Champlain Regional Salt Summit in Lake…
Here’s what you can do to reduce road salt pollution on your own property: Not every surface needs salt. Apply salt only where it's needed most, such as walkways, steep…
Keara is a rising junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she is majoring in environmental science, with a minor in natural resource conservation. While she enjoys reading and…
Plow drivers from Peru, Ausable, Plattsburgh and Hague gathered recently in Peru for an AdkAction workshop to reduce road salt. Thank you to these communities and individuals for going the extra mile to…
On September 28, AdkAction hosted towns and municipalities located throughout the New York Lake Champlain Basin in an Action Planning Workshop for improved winter road maintenance and road salt reduction.…
New York communities within the Lake Champlain Basin are invited to join a new Clean Water, Safe Roads Partnership to reduce road salt use by adopting improved winter road maintenance…