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Annual Meeting a Honking Success

By Lisa Salamon, AdkAction Board

Honk! Honk! This year’s annual meeting posed a challenge, however, came off with resoundingly positive feedback from attendees. The committee that planned the event—Chris Cohen, Ann Schoff and Jim Carlisle– faced the daunting NYS Covid meeting restrictions head on, developed the drive- in annual meeting concept and pulled it off without a hitch.

About 50 members (in 36 cars) attended the drive-in Annual Meeting believed to be the first of its kind in the ADKs.

Arriving on a beautiful early fall evening, attendees were handed a goodie bag of healthy treats and parking attendants efficiently distanced the vehicles drive-in movie style in front of a 30-foot inflatable screen. Besides the treats, bags included AdkAction mugs, stickers, and raffle tickets. AdkAction board members generously donated raffle prizes including a night of live theater, rail bike excursions, and gift certificates to area restaurants, breweries, health food store, and gift shops.

AdkAction President Tom Boothe welcomed attendees and conducted the business part of the meeting. Our newest board member, Jim Carlisle was voted in (via honking), Mike Preis was elected for a third three-year term, and Lisa Salamon and Mea Rosner were elected to their second three-year terms on the board. Waiting for the sun to start sinking below the tree line, Executive Director Brittany Christianson announced raffle winners and told the story of the Emergency Food Package project.

At dusk, short video updates on all AdkAction projects were presented on the blow-up screen and broadcast via FM radio to attendees. Note that for those of you that missed the meeting, the presentations are available below, or on YouTube.

Each project update video’s conclusion was met with a round of friendly honking applause.

Thanks to The Wild Center for safely hosting the event in their meadow parking lot, granting access to the Wild Walk, providing equipment, and assisting with parking and social distancing.

Given the honking good time members had at this year’s annual meeting, the bar has been set high for next year!

Annual Meeting Project Updates

Thank you to our 2020 platinum business sponsor, Ausable Chasm

Broadband for All
Update by Dave Wolff

Emergency Food Packages
Update by Brittany Christenson

Adirondack Compost for Good
Update by Eric Holmlund

The Farmacy

Thank you to CDPHP for sponsoring the Farmacy project!


Adirondack Pollinator Project
Update by Steve Maikowski

Plein Air Festivals
Update by Carol Blakeslee-Collin

Reducing Road Salt
Update by Brittany Christenson

Saranac Lake Whitewater Park
Update by Tom Boothe

Beyond the Peaks Student Film Festival
Update by Seth McGowan

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